Barbara Lakshmi Kahn
It is the act of creativity that stirs me.
To feel that special energy flowing as my hand moves with brush across a surface is the deepest feeling I know, whether it is painting the side of a building, a canvas or sketching a landscape. When I am finished painting for the day I am left with an exquisite sense of peace.
The theme of my work is to bring forth that which is mysterious, evocative, and lasting. I push myself to venture further into unknown areas — that opens my mind to new ways of seeing. Natural surroundings are close to my heart and I love sketching and photographing the flora, fauna, and landscape; these images often come into my mind as I paint in my studio.
Sometimes when I am at a spot in nature something profoundly moves me. That moment will germinate in me until I start depicting it on canvas. Then the painting slowly evolves; the initial glimmer is there, but as layers are applied the surface becomes a place where nuances occur and I become the translator of dreams. As a result, each painting teaches, touches, and inspires me.
It is my hope that my art affects others with inspiration, beauty and depth.